Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Haven't You Always Wanted a Monkey?

Sorry for the delay in posting, this crazy world went and got in our way again. It's been sufficiently dealt with, and we're back in blogging.

This past weekend Clara and Becky went to the Minnesota Zoo for the annual Farm Babies thingamajig. For starters:

Clara was a big fan of the little chickies. She kept trying to reach through the glass and pet 'em.

She never really wanted to pet the animals, but she liked feeding them. Kind of like when she gives Allie treats at home.

Clara got to go with her Fun Aunt Molly and her cousins Will and The O-Man. Will even got to milk a goat!
Wait, you want me to put my hand on what?

Other than that, life with Clara just keeps on rolling along. She's turning in to quite a strong-willed little girl, I suspect she gets that from her Mommy. She wants to wear Becky's shoes all the time now, we just couldn't resist testing her skill at walking in heels. Turns out she's a natural!

As you can see, she's apparently already quite comfy in heels.

Judging by the ol' clock in the lower right hand corner of my screen, it's time to call it a night. From Miss Clara to all of you, have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Pants said...

I love her. She's such a goofy little sweet pea. Absolutely the greatest.