Wednesday, September 16, 2009

22 Weeks

Here is the latest belly picture...22 weeks along and counting.
I'm 6lbs. lighter than I was at this point with Clara (below) and it looks like I was a little larger in size too. Funny, since you're usually smaller with your first. I guess I shouldn't speak too soon, I have a long way to go :)


Pants said...

You look amazing!! No one is surprised by this. :)

BTW, Clara no longer looks mostly like Tom Watson. She is DEFINITELY your lil doppelganger!

James said...

James awards you Super Secret Double Bonus Points for gratuitous use of the word 'doppelganger'.

Pants said...

Minus one for not being able to figure out how to put the dots over the a. Fail.

James said...

I believe that you are not James, therefore you are not able to award points. I give you an extra point for the effort though.

Jen said...

You look so cute cuz! Have you chosen a name yet?