Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby Watson #2

Well, here it is, the baby's first photograph. We had our ultrasound this morning and the tech said that everything seems to be measuring at about 17 weeks which is 3 weeks less pregnant than the Dr. thought. I was thinking that they had overestimated so I was anxious to hear from the ultrasound this morning. Instead of a Dec 30th due date, they're estimating more like January 18th but the OB will confirm that this Thursday. Clara thought it was a treat to get to see the baby on TV! She kept pointing to the screen and saying "Want it!" and "Baby brudder". Yep, that's's a boy!! Here is the photo to prove it and if you can't see IT well,...I'm not going to point it out. I'll give you a hint...2 round butt cheeks, 1 little boy part.


Pants said...

Yay for boys! I mean, I definitely thought it was a girl, but at least this way James will finally stand a chance. :)

Unknown said...

Fun to know you'll have (at least) one of each! Be sure to post some belly pics soon of you w/this baby... I've heard the belly pops out more, earlier, with subsequent pregnancies :-).

Jen said...

Congratulations on your son!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Congratulations again! How exciting to be having a little boy! Clara will be such a good big sister. We should get the girls together again soon. Take care guys! Miss you!

Aaron, Kristy, and Hana